0850 Hrs GMT



10 November 2010

Editor©Muhammad Haque

Harriet Harman should quit over her violation of objective democratic standards of accountability when she led the Party NEC to show two fingers to ordinary members of the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets in September 2010

Bhangeelaar! The Campaign against an elected mayor in Tower Hamlets

Harriet Harman should quit over her violation of objective democratic standards of accountability when she led the Party NEC to show two fingers to ordinary members of the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets in September 2010

0802 Hrs


10 November 2010

- Bhangeelaar! The Campaign against an elected mayor in Tower Hamlets, London, 10/11/2010 8:05

From the web site of the London DAILY MAIL:

Mutiny! Rebellious Labour MPs launch a fighting fund for Woolas

By Jason Groves
Last updated at 7:58 AM on 10th November 2010

  • Woolas supported by Cherie Blair and Gordon Brown
  • Miliband cuts short his paternity leave to defuse crisis
  • Calls for deputy leader Harriet Harman to resign

Mutinous Labour MPs have defied their party leadership to launch an extraordinary legal fighting fund for disgraced former minister Phil Woolas.

Labour was plunged into civil war over the shamed MP, who was booted out of Parliament and his party last week after two High Court judges ruled he had spread lies and stirred up racial tensions at the election.

A formal fighting fund, with its own bank account, is set to be launched today and Labour MPs are being asked to donate at least £100 each.

Phil Woolas

False claims: Phil Woolas after holding his seat in May

Party figures – including members of the shadow cabinet – vented their anger at deputy leader Harriet Harman, who ruled on Sunday that there would be no way back for the former immigration minister even if he wins an unlikely appeal.

The row was last night developing into a major test of Ed Miliband’s leadership as sources said those backing Mr Woolas risked a repeat of the expenses crisis, when MPs were seen to be at odds with public opinion.

Mr Miliband, who supported the decision to axe the shamed politician, was forced to cut short his paternity leave to try to defuse the crisis.

But Mr Woolas’s backers were adamant. One Labour MP is said to have called on Miss Harman to resign and another, John Mann, said: ‘A period of silence from ­Harriet Harman would now be very welcome.’

Harriet Harman

Harriet Harman has been forced to face down a 'mutiny' of Labour MPs over her treatment of former immigration minister Phil Woolas

Miss Harman was also challenged at a meeting of the shadow cabinet yesterday, at which at least one shadow minister told her she was ‘wrong’ to say Mr Woolas could never be readmitted to the party.


Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown gives evidence to the  International Development Committee at the House of Commons in central  London on the Millennium Development Goals review summit

Gordon Brown issued a thinly veiled swipe at Tony Blair today as he hit out at politicians who fail to keep promises to step down from office after two terms.

The former prime minister grinned as he delivered the verdict during his first substantial Parliamentary appearance since quitting as Labour leader in May.

Mr Brown's fury at his predecessor's decision not to step down for him ahead of the 2005 general election has been documented in a number of high-profile Labour memoirs.

And today he appeared to seize an unexpected chance to make clear his own view during a two-hour evidence session to the international development select committee.

It came as Tory MP Pauline Latham challenged him over what action he had taken over African leaders who served more than the two terms they promised.

'People make it clear, as I have, to some of these leaders that if they say something and then are not in a position to deliver it then their authority is affected by that,' he said.

'But I think it is very difficult for us to impose a rule on African countries that we do not apply ourselves,' a smiling Mr Brown told the committee.

He did not refer directly to Mr Blair - citing instead the example of Michael Bloomberg who had proved an excellent mayor of New York despite serving beyond his self-imposed two-term limit.

But few observers were in any doubt to whom his comments were directed as he continued: 'It is difficult for us to say, when sometimes in our countries people serve long terms, that there should be a limit on the terms. The real issue is keeping promises.'

Sources close to Mr Woolas claim his supporters in the shadow cabinet include Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, Peter Hain, Andy Burnham and the shadow health secretary John Healey.

As Miss Harman came under attack yesterday her husband, Labour MP Jack Dromey, was forced to defend her. He said: ‘I think Ed Miliband and Harriet have done absolutely the right thing. It is no part of our politics to tell lies, to fan prejudice to win votes. What happened was wrong.’

However, Mr Miliband is now said to have guaranteed no candidate will be selected for the now vacant Oldham East and Saddleworth seat until Mr Woolas has exhausted his legal appeals – suggesting that he could be allowed back.

Former minister George Howarth has been approached by several MPs to organise a whip-round to help fund Mr Woolas’s bid for a judicial review. He said one MP had offered him £1,500.

Shadow transport minister Jim Fitzpatrick said: ‘Most of us would respond to requests for help from mates and that is what this is about.’

But Michael Fallon, deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, last night said: ‘The Labour Party’s defence of an MP who has brought disgrace to politics is extraordinary. It shows how out of touch they are that their party meetings are dominated by internal squabbling, not sorting out the mess they created.’

Left-wing Labour MP Paul Flynn also questioned the wisdom of ­rallying round an MP whose false claims were ‘a disgrace’.

The shamed former minister issued leaflets falsely claiming that Liberal Democrat election opponent Elwyn Watkins was pandering to violent Muslim extremists.

Mr Woolas needs to raise £50,000 to convince the High Court that he has the means to fight a judicial review and is expected to have a hearing next week. The by-election in his former seat has been delayed after a surprise move by Speaker John Bercow.

Mr Woolas claimed yesterday that he had even had messages of support from Gordon Brown and ­Cherie Blair. He insisted ‘I have never lied’ and said the former prime minister ‘does not believe I am a dishonest man’.

Labour MPs yesterday queued up to defend Mr Woolas and attack Miss Harman. Backbencher Graham Stringer said fellow Labour MPs were ‘unanimously’ of the view that the comments made about Mr Woolas went too far.

Fellow MP Michael Connarty ­confirmed he asked Miss Harman to ‘examine her conscience’ in a stormy meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party on Monday.

Mr Woolas was last Friday stripped of his seat and barred from elected office for three years, in the first ruling of its kind for 99 years. He faces the prospect of a criminal inquiry

Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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All he has to do is get old ''Tone'' to give one of his legendary speeches to the gullible and all his legal aid worries will be over.

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Ed Milliband has suddenly gone to ground! Weak leadership eh!

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I wonder how many MPs put their poppies on expenses.
- LAL, HERE, 10/11/2010 7:16

Probably pick them up free in any of the 70 odd subsidized restaurants of The Palace of Westminster.

Click to rate Rating 1

Lies = Labour No change then

Click to rate Rating 5

Harriet Harman should quit over her violation of objective democratic standards of accountability when she led the Party NEC to show two fingers to ordinary members of the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets in September 2010
0802 Hrs
10 November 2010

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The mutineers see themselves in Woolas. hence the mutiny. With our top Uman rights lawyer backing him, watch for a change in the law soon.

Click to rate Rating 7

We shouldn't be supprised at the antics of these thieving liars who occupy parliment. They are in it for themselves,with no respect for democracy or the people..... Where is Guy Fawkes when you need him....

Click to rate Rating 40

Harman is ridiculously wrong, any decision on Mr Woolas future should have been discussed in private with the correct people then a public declaration made, not off the cuff egocentric remarks. The woman is a fool.

Click to rate Rating 15